Project of the Year: 2003
Condell Hospital Bed Floor Addition
Location: Libertyville, IL
Approximate Value: $200,000
Scope: Furnish and install pilaster panels and spandrel panels
Challenges: The primary challenge was formwork. The design was intricate, with many changes in plane. Conventional wood forms would have resulted in chipped edges requiring in-plant repair prior to shipping and the risk of some problematic patches. We used a different technique and wowed the architect. Upon seeing the full-size mock-up panel he said, \"it's just as I imagined it\" and was very pleased. Often there are slight comments about imperfections in a mock-up. Unusually there was not a single criticism or negative comment on this one. Secondary challenges were those of schedule and logistics. Parts of the roof were far away from a feasible crane location. The erector ended up hoisting spandrels to the roof and then moving them with a cart on the roof into place at hard-to-reach locations. The GC was also very pleased with our work.
Architect: Pratt Design Studio and HDR
General Contractor: Camosy, Inc.